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We have compiled some resources that you maybe interested in when caring for someone. We like to highlight some of our favorite companies that we know take good care of people.

Senior Services

Community Services and Resources for Seniors in Clark, Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties:


Housing Resources


Low Income & Subsidized Housing


Utility Assistance

Telephone/Cell Phone Assistance


In-Home Care Resources 

Assistive Technology and Resources


Nutrition and Food Programs

Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)

A nutrition program that provides eligible seniors $40 worth of checks (also known as vouchers) to purchase fruits, vegetable, edible herbs, and honey at authorized Farmers Markets and Farm Stores.

  • Clark County Voucher Distribution Information: Check back in May 2018for details.

  • Cowlitz County Voucher Distribution Information: Check back in May 2018 for details.

  • Wahkiakum County Voucher Distribution Information: Check back in May 2018 for details.

Farmers Markets


Medicare and Medicaid Resources

Additional Insurance Resources


Legal Resources


Veteran Affairs Services


Resources to Keep Seniors Safe

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